Gender equality
INFLPR is committed to gender equality. Equality means that everyone, regardless of gender, should have the same opportunities, rights, and obligations. This fundamental right must be applied in all aspects of professional life in our institute.
The institute is engaged in goal-oriented work to actively promote the equal rights of its employees. The main actions are aimed at:
• Ensuring gender equality in recruitment, terms of employment and career development, thus guaranteeing professional equality and equal treatment between staff members, regardless of their gender;
• Ensuring gender balance in all professional categories and at all levels;
• Preventing unjustified differences in salary between men and women for equal work, meaning similar requirements in terms of responsibility, effort, knowledge, skills and terms of employment;
• Raising the awareness of staff members at all levels and in all professional categories (researchers, technical staff and administrative personnel) to gender equality issues;
• Preventing gender-related discrimination and discouraging tendencies towards sexual harassment.
More information can be obtained on the UEFISCDI website.