A. Sarbu, T. Sandu, A. Zaharia, S. Apostol, R. Zavoianu, E.L. Mara, L. Sarbu, F. Bacalum, R. Birjega, S. Vizireanu, A. G. Olaru, D. Cosasu, T. Velea, I.A. Gradinaru, A.L. Radu, M.Florea, B.E. Cojocaru, V. Dragut, T.V. Iordache, A.M. Florea
The invention relates to a system for detecting ionizing radiation, in real time, with electromagnetic noise protection, to be used in control circuits.
The invention relates to a method for producing nanometric layers with content of diamond or fullerene nanoparticles, by irradiation with ultrashort pulses within the range of picoseconds and femtoseconds, generated by high power lasers (terawatt - TW or petawatt - PW) and, in particular, to a process of forming diamond/fullerene structures on layers of interest for the nuclear fusion, namely C, Be and W layers.
The invention relates to a method and an apparatus for measuring spectral responsivity of IR optical detectors irradiated with ionising radiation. The claimed method consists in measuring simultaneously, on two channels, the spectral responsivity for both a standard detector and a detector whose spectral responsivity is to be determined, such that all the possible perturbations influence, identically and simultaneously, the two measuring channels, in view of the common rejection of these perturbing signals.