
The KM3NeT potential for the next core-collapse supernova observation with neutrinos

Aiello, S; Albert, A; Garre, SA; Aly, Z; Ambrosone, A; Ameli, F; Andre, M; Androulakis, G; Anghinolfi, M; Anguita, M; Anton, G; Ardid, M; Ardid, S; Aublin, J; Bagatelas, C; Baret, B; du Pree, SB; Bendahman, M; Benfenati, F; Berbee, E; van den Berg, AM; Bertin, V; Biagi, S; Bissinger, M; Boettcher, M; Cabo, MB; Boumaaza, J; Bouta, M; Bouwhuis, M; Bozza, C; Branzas, H; Bruijn, R; Brunner, J; Buis, E; Buompane, R; Busto, J; Caiffi, B; Calvo, D; Capone, A; Carretero, V; Castaldi, P; Celli, S; Chabab, M; Chau, N; Chen, A; Cherubini, S; Chiarella, V; Chiarusi, T; Circella, M; Cocimano, R; Coelho, JA

Euclid : Effects of sample covariance on the number counts of galaxy clusters

Fumagalli, A; Saro, A; Borgani, S; Castro, T; Costanzi, M; Monaco, P; Munari, E; Sefusatti, E; Amara, A; Auricchio, N; Balestra, A; Bodendorf, C; Bonino, D; Branchini, E; Brinchmann, J; Capobianco, V; Carbone, C; Castellano, M; Cavuoti, S; Cimatti, A; Cledassou, R; Conselice, CJ; Corcione, L; Costille, A; Cropper, M; Degaudenzi, H; Douspis, M; Dubath, F; Dusini, S; Ealet, A; Fosalba, P; Franceschi, E; Franzetti, P; Fumana, M; Garilli, B; Giocoli, C; Grupp, F; Guzzo, L; Haugan, SVH; Hoekstra, H; Holmes, W; Hormuth, F; Jahnke, K; Kiessling, A; Kilbinger, M; Kitching, T; Kummel, M; Kunz, M; Kurki

Euclid: Impact of non-linear and baryonic feedback prescriptions on cosmological parameter estimation from weak lensing cosmic shear

Martinelli, M; Tutusaus, I; Archidiacono, M; Camera, S; Cardone, VF; Clesse, S; Casas, S; Casarini, L; Mota, DF; Hoekstra, H; Carbone, C; Ilic, S; Kitching, TD; Pettorino, V; Pourtsidou, A; Sakr, Z; Sapone, D; Auricchio, N; Balestra, A; Boucaud, A; Branchini, E; Brescia, M; Capobianco, V; Carretero, J; Castellano, M; Cavuoti, S; Cimatti, A; Cledassou, R; Congedo, G; Conselice, C; Conversi, L; Corcione, L; Costille, A; Douspis, M; Dubath, F; Dusini, S; Fabbian, G; Fosalba, P; Frailis, M; Franceschi, E; Gillis, B; Giocoli, C; Grupp, F; Guzzo, L; Holmes, W; Hormuth, F; Jahnke, K; Kermiche, S; Kie

Euclid: Estimation of the Impact of Correlated Readout Noise for Flux Measurements with the Euclid NISP Instrument

Munoz, AJ; Macias-Perez, J; Secroun, A; Gillard, W; Kubik, B; Auricchio, N; Balestra, A; Bodendorf, C; Bonino, D; Branchini, E; Brescia, M; Brinchmann, J; Capobianco, V; Carbone, C; Carretero, J; Casas, R; Castellano, M; Cavuoti, S; Cimatti, A; Cledassou, R; Congedo, G; Conversi, L; Copin, Y; Corcione, L; Costille, A; Cropper, M; Degaudenzi, H; Douspis, M; Dubath, F; Dusini, S; Ealet, A; Franceschi, E; Franzetti, P; Fumana, M; Garilli, B; Gillis, B; Giocoli, C; Grazian, A; Grupp, F; Haugan, SVH; Holmes, W; Hormuth, F; Jahnke, K; Kermiche, S; Kiessling, A; Kilbinger, M; Kummel, M; Kunz, M; Kurk

Euclid preparation: XI. Mean redshift determination from galaxy redshift probabilities for cosmic shear tomography

Ilbert, O; de la Torre, S; Martinet, N; Wright, AH; Paltani, S; Laigle, C; Davidzon, I; Jullo, E; Hildebrandt, H; Masters, DC; Amara, A; Conselice, CJ; Andreon, S; Auricchio, N; Azzollini, R; Baccigalupi, C; Balaguera-Antolinez, A; Baldi, M; Balestra, A; Bardelli, S; Bender, R; Biviano, A; Bodendorf, C; Bonino, D; Borgani, S; Boucaud, A; Bozzo, E; Branchini, E; Brescia, M; Burigana, C; Cabanac, R; Camera, S; Capobianco, V; Cappi, A; Carbone, C; Carretero, J; Carvalho, CS; Casas, S; Castander, FJ; Castellano, M; Castignani, G; Cavuoti, S; Cimatti, A; Cledassou, R; Colodro-Conde, C; Congedo, G;

Euclid Preparation. XIV. The Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation (C3R2) Survey: Data Release 3

Stanford, SA; Masters, D; Darvish, B; Stern, D; Cohen, JG; Capak, P; Hernitschek, N; Davidzon, I; Rhodes, J; Sanders, DB; Mobasher, B; Castander, FJ; Paltani, S; Aghanim, N; Amara, A; Auricchio, N; Balestra, A; Bender, R; Bodendorf, C; Bonino, D; Branchini, E; Brinchmann, J; Capobianco, V; Carbone, C; Carretero, J; Casas, R; Castellano, M; Cavuoti, S; Cimatti, A; Cledassou, R; Conselice, CJ; Corcione, L; Costille, A; Cropper, M; Degaudenzi, H; Douspis, M; Dubath, F; Dusini, S; Fosalba, P; Frailis, M; Franceschi, E; Franzetti, P; Fumana, M; Garilli, B; Giocoli, C; Grupp, F; Haugan, SVH; Hoekstr

Measurement of the Fluctuations in the Number of Muons in Extensive Air Showers with the Pierre Auger Observatory

Aab, A; Abreu, P; Aglietta, M; Albury, JM; Allekotte, I; Almela, A; Alvarez-Muniz, J; Batista, RA; Anastasi, GA; Anchordoqui, L; Andrada, B; Andringa, S; Aramo, C; Ferreira, PRA; Asorey, H; Assis, P; Avila, G; Badescu, AM; Bakalova, A; Balaceanu, A; Barbato, F; Luz, RJB; Becker, KH; Bellido, JA; Berat, C; Bertaina, ME; Bertou, X; Biermann, PL; Bister, T; Biteau, J; Blazek, J; Bleve, C; Boncioli, D; Bonifazi, C; Arbeletche, LB; Borodai, N; Botti, AM; Brack, J; Bretz, T; Briechle, FL; Buchholz, P; Bueno, A; Buitink, S; Buscemi, M; Caballero-Mora, KS; Caccianiga, L; Cancio, A; Canfora, F; Caracas

Design, upgrade and characterization of the silicon photomultiplier front-end for the AMIGA detector at the Pierre Auger Observatory

Aab, A; Abreu, P; Aglietta, M; Albury, JM; Allekotte, I; Almela, A; Alvarez-Muniz, J; Batista, RA; Anastasi, GA; Anchordoqui, L; Andrada, B; Andringa, S; Aramo, C; Ferreira, PRA; Asorey, H; Assis, P; Avila, G; Badescu, AM; Bakalova, A; Balaceanu, A; Barbato, F; Luz, RJB; Becker, KH; Bellido, JA; Berat, C; Bertaina, ME; Bertou, X; Biermann, PL; Bister, T; Biteau, J; Blazek, J; Bleve, C; Boncioli, D; Bonifazi, C; Arbeletche, LB; Borodai, N; Botti, AM; Brack, J; Bretz, T; Briechle, FL; Buchholz, P; Bueno, A; Buitink, S; Buscemi, M; Caballero-Mora, KS; Caccianiga, L; Canfora, F; Caracas, I; Carcel

Calibration of the underground muon detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

Aab, A; Abreu, P; Aglietta, M; Albury, JM; Allekotte, I; Almela, A; Alvarez-Muniz, J; Batista, RA; Anastasi, GA; Anchordoqui, L; Andrada, B; Andringa, S; Aramo, C; Ferreira, PRA; Velazquez, JCA; Asorey, H; Assis, P; Avila, G; Badescu, AM; Bakalova, A; Balaceanu, A; Barbato, F; Luz, RJB; Becker, KH; Bellido, JA; Berat, C; Bertaina, ME; Bertou, X; Biermann, PL; Bister, T; Biteau, J; Blazek, J; Bleve, C; Boncioli, D; Bonifazi, C; Arbeletche, LB; Borodai, N; Botti, AM; Brack, J; Bretz, T; Orchera, PGB; Briechle, FL; Buchholz, P; Bueno, A; Buitink, S; Buscemi, M; Caballero-Mora, KS; Caccianiga, L;

Design and implementation of the AMIGA embedded system or data acquisition

Aab, A; Abreu, P; Aglietta, M; Albury, JM; Allekotte, I; Almela, A; Alvarez-Muniz, J; Batista, RA; Anastasi, GA; Anchordoqui, L; Andrada, B; Andringa, S; Aramo, C; Ferreira, PRA; Velazquez, JCA; Asorey, H; Assis, P; Avila, G; Badescu, AM; Bakalova, A; Balaceanu, A; Barbato, F; Luz, RJB; Becker, KH; Bellido, JA; Berat, C; Bertaina, ME; Bertou, X; Biermann, PL; Binet, V; Bister, T; Biteau, J; Blazek, J; Bleve, C; Bohacova, M; Boncioli, D; Bonifazi, C; Arbeletche, LB; Borodai, N; Botti, AM; Brack, J; Bretz, T; Orchera, PGB; Briechle, FL; Buchholz, P; Bueno, A; Buitink, S; Buscemi, M; Caballero-Mo
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