
Stage 3 - P1 2017

The project implementation schedule

Phase no. 21


Deadline: 10.12.2017

Title: "Accelerarea de particule incarcate electric la interactia pulsurilor laser ultra-intense ( PW- CETAL) cu tinte solide"


Stage 2 - P4 2017

The project implementation schedule

Phase no. 24

Responsible: Dr. G. Miron

Deadline: 15.11.2017

Title: "Influenta dispozitivelor externe coloanei de plasma asupra perturbatiilor de forfecare din plasmele tokamak"


Phase no. 25

Responsible: Dr. N. Scarisoreanu

Deadline: 15.11.2017

Stage 2 - P3 2017

The project implementation schedule

Phase no. 23

Responsible: Dr. Carmen RISTOSCU

Deadline: 15.09.2017

Title: "Funcționalizarea suprafeței implanturilor utilizand nanocompoziții cu proprietăți complementare: material bioactiv (biosticle) cu medicament (antibiotic)"


Phase no. 24

Responsible: Dr. Monica SCARISOREANU

Deadline: 15.09.2017

Stage 2 - P2 2017

The project implementation schedule

Phase no. 22

Responsible: Dr. A Groza

Deadline: 14.08.2017

Title: "Analyzes of nanometric films of bio interest through optical and mass spectrometry"

Stage 2 - P1 2017

The project implementation schedule

Phase no. 15

Responsible: Dr. F. Spineanu / (Dr. V. Stancalie / Dr. C. Iorga)

Deadline: 14.08.2017

Title: "Transient atomic processes in plasmas generated by intense pulses"

Stage 2 - P4 2016

Phase no. 7
Responsible: Dr. V. CRACIUN
Deadline: 15.09.2016
Title: "Synthesis of new ceramic compounds for radioactive nuclear waste encapsulation"
Abstract: The main activity of this stage was the deposition of advanced ceramic materials in the form of thin films, in order to study the radiation effects on the properties, structure and stoichiometry. Based on these results we will develop new ceramic compounds with resistance to radiation effects, which can be used for the encapsulation of the radioactive waste.

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