
Public support of the PhD Thesis - PhD student Alexei ZUBAREV

Author:    PhD student Alexei ZUBAREV
Title:        Contributions to the Study of Quantum Information Protocols in Gaussian Open Systems
Location: A5, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest
Date:       Thursday, 9 January 2020, 2:00 pm
Purpose: To grant the scientific title of PhD in Physics

INFLPR Seminar, Thursday, 19 December 2019, 10:00 am, PPNF Laboratory, Dr. NISTOR Magdalena: Sinteza cu plasma a filmelor subtiri de oxizi pentru aplicatii in optoelectronica

INFLPR Seminar

Thursday, 19 December 2019, 10:00 am

PPNF Laboratory, Seminar Room

INFLPR Seminar, Thursday, 19 December 2019, 10:20 am, ECS Laboratory, Dr. TOMA Octavian: Sinteza si studiul de noi materiale oxidice pentru cresterea eficientei celulelor fotovoltaice

INFLPR Seminar

Thursday, 19 December 2019, 10:20 am

ECS Laboratory, Seminar Room

INFLPR Seminar, Thursday, 19 December 2019, 10:00 am, ECS Laboratory, Dr. N. PAVEL: Influenta distributiei spatiale a fasciculelor laser asupra aprinderii diferitelor amestecuri de combustibili

INFLPR Seminar

Thursday, 19 December 2019, 10:00 am

ECS Laboratory, Seminar Room

Public support of the PhD Thesis - PhD student Dragos PALADE

Author:    PhD student Dragos PALADE
Title:        Aplicații ale modelelor de transport în studiul plasmelor cuantice
Location: A4 Amphitheater, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest
Date:       Thursday, 19 December 2019, 1:00 pm
Purpose: To grant the scientific title of PhD in Physics

Public support of the PhD Thesis - PhD student Catalina-Alice NENU (BRANDUS)

Author:    PhD student Catalina-Alice NENU (BRANDUS)
Title:        Generarea pulsurilor optice ultrascurte folosind noi medii active laser neliniare de tip borat dopat cu Nd3+
Location: A4 Amphitheater, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest
Date:       Tuesday, 17 December 2019, 11:00 am
Purpose: To grant the scientific title of PhD in Physics

INFLPR Seminar, Wednesday, 4 December 2019, 11:30 am, Laser Department, Dr. Carmen RISTOSCU: Substraturi tip implant functionalizate cu apatita biomimetica prin metode

INFLPR Seminar

Wednesday, 4 December 2019, 11:30 am

Laser Department, Seminar Room

INFLPR Seminar, Wednesday, 4 December 2019, 11:00 am, Dr. I. ANTOHE: Dezvoltarea unui dispozitiv inovativ cu fibră optică bazat pe rezonanță plasmonică de suprafață (FO-SPR) pentru monitorizarea în timp real a interacţiilor bio-/moleculare

INFLPR Seminar

Wednesday, 4 December 2019, 11:00 am

Laser Department, Seminar Room

INFLPR Seminar, Tuesday, 3 December 2019, 11:30 am, Department of Theoretical Physics, IFIN-HH, Dr. Mihai GANCIU: Surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) in very high field experiments and particularly for high power pulsed laser applications

INFLPR Seminar

Tuesday, 3 December 2019, 11:30 am

Department of Theoretical Physics, IFIN-HH, Seminar Room

INFLPR Seminar, Friday, 29 November 2019, 12:00 pm, PPNF Laboratory, Dr. Florin Spineanu: Equations of particle motion

INFLPR Seminar

Friday, 29 November 2019, 12:00 pm

PPNF Laboratory, NIMP - Seminar Room

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