
INFLPR research is with top downloaded scientific articles


The article “Laser ignition - Spark plug development and application in reciprocating engines” is with the most downloaded articles from Progress in Quantum Electronics in the last 90 days.
Volume 58, March 2018, Pages 1-32;

INFLPR forensic science in Caracal case


INFLPR laboratories carried out morphological (microtomography) and elemental (microXRF) analysis which have contributed as forensic science tools for instrumentation of famous Caracal case, revealed in press release by Romanian Antiterrorism Agency, DIICOT!

Laser ignition in automotive gasoline engines is with Laser Focus World’s top 20 photonics technology picks for 2019!


More details in pdf attached.

INFLPR in Advances in Engineering


The article "On the improvement by laser ignition of the performances of a passenger car gasoline engine", Pavel, N., Chiriac, R., Birtas, A., Draghici, F., & Dinca, M., Optics Express, 27(8), A385, (2019) is featured online on Advances in Engineering

INFLPR research on Front Cover in Journal of Material Chemistry C


The article entitled "Effects of local symmetry on upconversion emission mechanisms under pulsed excitation" by Daniel Avram, Claudiu Colbea and Carmen Tiseanu is featured on the Front Cover of Journal of Material Chemistry C, 7 (44), 13770, 2019.

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2019


The Nobel Prize in Physics 2019 was awarded "for contributions to our understanding of the evolution of the universe and Earth's place in the cosmos" with one half to James Peebles "for theoretical discoveries in physical cosmology", the other half jointly to Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz "for the discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a solar-type star".

INFLPR research on Front Cover in Nanoscale Journal


The study "Imaging dopant distribution across complete phase transformation by TEM and upconversion emission", Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 16743 - 16754 is promoted on the front cover of the journal Nanoscale (FI=6.9), vol. 11, issue 36.

LaMP Laboratory, CETAL


You can watch below a promotional video about the laser cladding technology and the dedicated equipment in LaMP Laboratory in CETAL. Possible applications of this versatile technique are: surface hardening of metal parts, geometry correction, deffects repair, welding, 3D printing, in situ alloying.

INFLPR in Laser Focus World


Laser ignition quantitatively improves performance of gasoline engines

Only by quantitatively improving performance (and cost) compared to electric spark plugs (ESPs) will laser ignition (LI) of gasoline engines be considered for adoption by major automobile manufacturers. Researchers from the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics and Renault Technologie Roumanie (both in Ilfov, Romania), and from University Politehnica of Bucharest (Bucharest, Romania) have achieved such advances in their design and quantifiable demonstration of an LI system using fiber-coupled, compact neodymium- and chromium-yttrium-aluminum- garnet (Nd:YAG/Cr4+:YAG) laser spark plugs.

Dr. Voicu LUPEI – Member of the Romanian Academy


Dr. Voicu LUPEI, Head (1972-2007) of the Solid-State Quantum Electronics Laboratory at the National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics became, starting with November 21, a member of the Romanian Academy, Physical Sciences Section.

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