
Pro Invent 2022

În perioada 26-28 Octombrie, INFLPR a participat la cea de-a XX-a ediție Pro Invent, care și-a deschis porțile la Sala Polivalentă, BT Arena din Cluj-Napoca.
În cadrul evenimentului au fost prezentate brevete și cereri de brevet, reprezentând produse și tehnologii dezvoltate în cadrul Institutului nostru, care au primit diplome de excelență și medalii de aur.


During the 14th edition of the INTERNATIONAL SALON OF CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION "EUROINVENT 2022" (, the inventions presented by the researchers from INFLPR were awarded 3 special trophies, 10 medals gold, 8 silver medals, 5 bronze medals and 23 diplomas of excellence.

Year 2021

The awards received by INFLPR at national and international fairs and exhibitions in 2021 are listed in the file below.

Year 2020

The awards received by INFLPR at national and international fairs and exhibitions in 2020 are listed in the file below.

Year 2019

The awards received by INFLPR at national and international fairs and exhibitions in 2019 are listed in the file below.

Year 2018

The awards received by INFLPR at national and international fairs and exhibitions in 2018 are listed in the file below.

Year 2017

The awards received by INFLPR at national and international fairs and exhibitions in 2017 are listed in the file below.

SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship

SPIE grants a scholarship "SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship" for the year 2019 to PhD student Agota Simon from Laser Spectroscopy and Optics Group of the Laser Department.

University of Bucharest, Best Doctoral Thesis Award, Exact Sciences and Engineering

The University of Bucharest awarded authors of the most valuable PhD theses of the academic community in December 2018, at the second edition of the Senate Awards of the University of Bucharest.

The "Best Doctoral Thesis Award for Exact Sciences and Engineering" was awarded to the study "Studies on the behavior of fluids in the field of laser radiation", author Mihai Boni from Laser Department of the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, having as scientific coordinator Prof. Univ. Dr. Mihail-Lucian Pascu, Faculty of Physics of the University of Bucharest, CS 1 at the National Institute for Laser Physics, Plasma and Radiation Physics.

University of Lille, France - Prix de these "Recherche Internationale"

On 21st November 2018 the University of Lille, France awarded during the STARTDOC 2018 conference, the Prix de these "Recherche Internationale" to Ștefan Andrei Irimiciuc. The prize was awarded by Jean-Louis Debré, former minster of foreign affairs and president of the Constitutional Court. Through this award, the thesis was recognized as the best PhD thesis within the Science and Technology domain, from the Consortium of Doctoral Schools from North of France.

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