Seminar INFLPR Joi 23 Aprilie 2009, Prof. Petar Atanasov: “Metal nanoparticles: nanostructuring of different substrates and surface enhanced raman scattering”
Joi 23 Aprilie 2009, Ora 11,30
Prof. Petar Atanasov
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Electronics
72 Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd., Sofia 1784, Bulgaria
• Introduction and motivation
• Technique for nanofabrication based on the near-field enhancement in the vicinity of nano-size objects
• Nanohole processing on Si substrate by fs laser pulse with localized surface plasmon polariton
• Localization of the electromagnetic field in the vicinity of Au NPs: surface modification of different substrates
• Surface enhanced Raman scattering properties using Au-coated ZnO nanorods grown by two step, off-axis pulsed laser deposition
Abstract: A novel technique for nanostructuring of metal, semiconductor and dielectric substrates mediated by metal nanoparticles is presented and discussed. Experimental and theoretical results of nanoholes produced by fs laser pulse in the vicinity of Au NPs are presented. High SERS enhancement was observed from Au-coated ZnO nanorod arrays. The Raman spectra of rhodamine 6G (R6G) as low as 1 nM were measured with an average diameter of 400 nm at an excitation wavelength of 532 nm. The SERS was explained by the field enhancement effect induced by surface plasmon polaritons of Au-coated nanorods (nanoshells).
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