PhD and M Students
PhD students
- MATEI Consuela Elena,
Polytechnic University of Bucharest - GEORGESCU Geo,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - IORGA Cristian,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - BĂNICI Ana Maria,
Craiova University - ANDREI Florin,
Faculty of Chemistry
University of Bucharest - JINGA Luiza Izabela,
Faculty of Chemistry
University of Bucharest - GHERASIM Oana,
Polytechnic University of Bucharest - SIMON Agota,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - BRAJNICOV Simona,
Faculty of Sciences
Craiova University - BĂDICEANU Maria,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - BONCIU Anca,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - MAHMOOD Muhamed Arif,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - LUNGU Iulia,
Faculty of Chemistry and Materials Science
Polytechnic University of Bucharest - MANICA Dumitru,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest
- RADU (CALUGAR) Alina-Irina,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - DUMITRESCU Nicoleta Luminita,
Faculty of Sciences
Craiova University - ENEA Nicoleta,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - GONCEARENCO Evghenii,
State University of Moldova-Chisinau - FILIP Ana Violeta,
Lower Danube University, Galați - MIHĂILESCU Andreea Florina,
Polytechnic University of Bucharest - BERCEA Adrian,
Faculty of Sciences
Craiova University - CALINA Ion Cosmin,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - STANCU Elena,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - CHIOIBAȘU Georgiana,
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Polytechnic University of Bucharest - OROBETI Ștefana,
Institute of Biochemistry
Romanian Academy - FILIP Alexandru,
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Polytechnic University of Bucharest - IVAN Raluca,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - STAICU Elena,
Faculty of Biology
University of Bucharest
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications
Polytechnic University of Bucharest - CROITORU Andreea,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - DOBREA Cosmin,
Technical University of Cluj - SIMA Adrian,
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering
Technical University of Cluj - POROSNICU Ioana,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - AVRAM Daniel,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - BALEA Florin,
Faculty of Chemistry
University of Bucharest - BĂIAŞU Flaviu,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - CARPEN Lavinia,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - STAICU Bogdan Cornel,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - CRĂCIUN Alexandru,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - GRECULEASA Mădalin,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest - BROASCĂ Alin,
Faculty of Physics
University of Bucharest
Master Students
- MARINESCU Anca Gabriela
- DINCĂ Marius Cătălin
- NISTORESCU Simona Ioana
- MIHAI Sabin
- SIRJITA Eduard
- GHENA Marian
- TOMA Vlad
- ARDELEANU Alina Andreea
- DREGHICI Dragana Biliana
- ZARIF Maria Elena
- YEHIA Sasa