The International Conference on Laser, Plasma and Radiation - Science and Technology (ICLPR-ST)
On behalf of the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (INFLPR), we are pleased to invite you to attend The International Conference on Laser, Plasma and Radiation - Science and Technology (ICLPR-ST), which will be held between June 7-10, 2022 at the Palace of Parliament, Bucharest, Romania.
ICPLR-ST is organised by INFLPR with Magurele Science Park participation. Our aim is to bring together researchers from the fields of lasers, plasma, and radiation from Romania and abroad providing a unique environment for sharing and promoting the latest scientific and technological developments.
The International Conference on Laser, Plasma, and Radiation - Science and Technology (ICPLR-ST) includes a broad variety of topics:
- Fundamentals, diagnostics and modelling in laser, plasma and radiation physics
- Advances in optics, laser and photonics
- Interaction of radiation with matter under extreme conditions
- New trends in thin films and nanomaterials synthesis and processing
- Modern applications in environment, life sciences and energy
- Innovative technologies for sustainable future.
Chairs: Valentin Crăciun, Maria Dinescu, Ion N. Mihăilescu, Bogdana Mitu
Adrian Dinescu – Romania
Gheorghe Dinescu – Romania
Ionut Enculescu – Romania
Eric Fogarassy – France
Mircea Guina – Finland
Dunpin Hong – France
Felicia Iacomi – Romania
Ion Lucian – Romania
Ioan Cezar Marcu – Romania
Mihail Pascu – Romania
Nicolaie Pavel – Romania
Andrei Popescu - Romania
Gabriel Popescu – USA
Razvan Stoian – France
Koji Sugioka - Japan
Ion Tiseanu – Romania
Calin Ur – Romania
Marian Zamfirescu – Romania
Felix Sima – Romania
Gabriel Socol – Romania
Ana Bratu
Gabriela Dorcioman
Ciprian Dumitrache
Mihaela Filipescu
Lucian Gheorghe
Eduard Grigore
Aurelian Marcu
Monica Măgureanu
Bogdana Mitu
Carmen Ristoscu
Nicu Scarisoreanu
Angela Staicu
Dorina Ticos
- 14 April, 2022: Abstract submission deadline
- 21 April, 2022: Notification of abstract acceptance
- 20 April, 2022: Registration open
- 15 May 2022: Early bird fee payment deadline
Updates will be regularly posted on the conference web site: http://iclpr-st.inflpr.ro/.
Attachment | Size |
1stAnnouncement_ICLPRST.pdf | 754.95 KB |
ICLPRST_FinalAnnouncement_and_programme_2022c.pdf | 632.74 KB |