Schema de realizare a proiectului 23 03 01 - Anul 2024 - Etapa II
Contractul nr.: 30N/12.01.2023
Proiectul: "Dezvoltarea de solutii inovatoare si tehnologii de fabricație avansată cu laseri, plasmă și radiații pentru rezolvarea problemelor societale"
Faza 11/2024: "Dezvoltarea de metode de predicție a disrupțiilor în plasma de fuziune prin analiza semnalelor ce descriu evoluția topologiei configurației magnetice"
Responsabili fază: Dr. Teddy CRACIUNESCU, Dr. Eduard GRIGORE
Termen de încheiere a fazei: 08.10.2024
The approaching initial operation of major new tokomaks is rendering more pressing the need for effective disruption prediction techniques. The required tools should be not only accurate but also capable of operating with a minimum number of signals, because in the first campaigns of new devices typically only a very limited number of diagnostics is available. A method has been developed based on an advanced statistical techniques, dedicated to the detection of the concept drift in plasma diagnostic time series. This method is capable of detecting the plasma drifting towards dangerous regions of the operational space using only global signals such as the plasma current or the locked mode amplitude. The obtained performances meet the requirements of mitigation in devices such as JT60-SA and ITER at the beginning of their operation. The method provides a high rate of correct predictions, arround 98%, missed alarms of the order of a few percent and the false alarms of the order of 10%. The method is able to issue prediction at ~400 ms before the disruption which is a comfortable time allowing the safe landing of the plasma.
Abstract grafic:
Contractul nr.: 30N/12.01.2023
Proiectul: "Dezvoltarea de solutii inovatoare si tehnologii de fabricație avansată cu laseri, plasmă și radiații pentru rezolvarea problemelor societale"
Faza 12/2024: "Realizarea surselor cu plasmă cu utilizare în procesarea materialelor și testarea preliminară a funcționalității lor - partial etapa I"
Responsabili fază: Dr. Corneliu POROȘNICU
Termen de încheiere a fazei: 22.11.2024
In the present stage of the project, an imaging method was developed to investigate the turbulence induced by a 13 keV electron beam in a plasma (dusty plasma). The identification of the position of each particle was achieved by applying correlation functions and bi-linear spatial interpolation. The exact trajectory of each particle was identified by the Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) technique. It is observed that the start of the electron beam generates a flow of microparticles that gradually increases in the first 50 ms both in speed and size. After ≈100-200 ms, two symmetrical vortices are formed, extending to the entire size of the crystal, with maximum speeds of 12 mm/s in the center of the flow.
One of the objectives of this study was to test the equipment called Cold Plasma Generator Power Supply (SAGPR), developed during the previous phase, under various working conditions, in accordance with the requirements that underpinned its design. SAGPR was created as a universal and versatile laboratory equipment, with the aim of powering a wide category of plasma generating devices, equipped with electrode systems having various sizes and geometries, within certain limits, arbitrary.
Within INFLPR (Low Temperature Plasma Laboratory, Plasma Processes for Functional Materials and Surfaces group), a new operating mode of the MSGA-type metal cluster source (W) was implemented in previous years. Thus, under specific experimental conditions, the plasma in the source expands outside it through the exit aperture simultaneously with nanoparticles. Primary experiments highlighted a critical component of the MSGA-JET operating mode: for specific values of the working parameters, the plasma jet has an unstable character that is unsuitable for nanomaterial synthesis processes. At this stage, applied research on the MSGA-JET mode was continued. The laboratory tests performed led to identifying the range of working parameters for the stable operation of the MSGA-JET source. These activities correspond to the TRL 3 technological maturity level. Identifying the stable operating range of the MSGA-JET source allows for the future development of the method for synthesizing nanomaterials.
We designed and tested an atmospheric pressure cold plasma jet with double injection in the discharge and postdischarge for nanocomposite material synthesis. The device ensure independent control of the polimeric matrix composition and metal concentration in the nanocomposite material.
Abstract grafic: