Professor Johannes Heitz: Laser-induced microstructures for biomedical applications, Laser Department, Monday, 2 July 2018, 11:00 am
General Seminar
Monday, 2 July 2018, 11:00 am
Laser Department, Seminar Room
Title: "Laser-induced microstructures for biomedical applications"
Lecturer: Professor Johannes Heitz, Johannes Kepler University, Linz.
Abstract: Laser-induced microstructures (either self-organized cones or features written by two-photon polymerization) can be employed to mimic features found in nature for controlled wetting or liquid transport, as we demonstrated for drop-like structures from the integument of European true bugs which induce a directional transport of an oily liquid. Similar structures can be implemented into microfluidic devices to control the transport of fluids. In preliminary experiments, we were able to produce biomedical microneedles covered with microstructures which induce the transport of an aqueous liquid to the needle tip.
Ti:sapphire fs-laser irradiation of cylindrical Ti-alloy samples can result in the formation of self-organized micro- and nanostructures, i.e., sharp cones or spikes covered by fine sub-wavelength ripples. The motivation of this part of our work is to create a structured ring on a small cylinder with cell-repellent properties, similar as we demonstrated recently for flat substrates [3]. We aim to create such structures on a miniaturized implantable pacemaker to avoid tissue growth around the device.