MATERIALS, ELECTRONICS AND PHOTONICS, Laser interactions with materials: from fundamentals to applications, Symposium V, E-MRS 2019 Spring Meeting, Nice, France, 27-31 May 2019

This laser symposium aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and laser users and manufacturers to exchange and share their experiences on recent progress in Laser Science and Technology, in particular in the field of laser materials processing and synthesis. It also provides the chance to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges from nanoenergy to biomedicine. One of the symposium organizers is Mihaela Filipescu from the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (NILPRP).


This symposium will cover all new advances in laser-matter interaction coupled to recent applications of emerging materials. The main objective is to revisit the basic phenomena involved in the interaction of wide range of laser systems still new and efficient devices including smart optics, high and low repetition rate processing as well as high and low beam fluences. The symposium will consider recent progress in laser-assisted additive fabrication, nano-LIPSS formation, laser lift of biological materials and systems and more emerging techniques such as laser synthesis of nanoparticles in liquids, and will offer a unique opportunity for researchers from Europe and worldwide areas to discuss their results in a friendly and engaging atmosphere. Laser techniques will facilitate environmental and eco-design through the useful processing of photovoltaic cells, thermoelectricity materials and devices, micro and nanosystems for energy storage and conversion; a special focus will be given for those ‘hot’ topics. All contributions on laser interaction with hard, soft and smart materials, targeting future applications from nanoenergy to biomedicine as well as recent progress on the fundamental mechanisms are welcome. The symposium Laser Interactions with Materials: from fundamentals to applicationswill provide a platform to establish interdisciplinary international research collaborations between scientists working in the field of laser-matter interaction.

The symposium will consist of invited presentations by leading scientists in their respective fields of research and contributed papers for oral and poster presentations. Special emphasis will be made for presentations by young scientists presenting high quality research papers. The contributions should concern, but are not limited to the topics listed below.

Hot topics to be covered by the symposium

  • Lasers in nanotechnology and environmental technology,
  • Laser hybrid processing,
  • Laser synthesis and processing of colloids
  • Laser manufacturing for alternative energy sources.
  • Laser 3D micro-structuring for MEMS, MOEMS, photonic crystals and photonic applications;
  • Laser Induced Forward Transfer of functional materials for organic electronics and sensing applications;
  • Laser assisted fabrication for sensors (bio-, chemical- and environmental-);
  • Ultra-short, ultra-high power laser interaction with matter: fundamentals and applications in biology and materials science;
  • Laser processing of materials: thin films growth and particle production; Subwavelength laser produced structures for smart optical, electro-optical, electronic and biological devices; Laser-induced nanostructures: from theory to applications;
  • Time-resolved diagnostics for laser processing; Multiphoton based processing techniques.
  • Diode lasers for processing and pumping,
  • Laser process monitoring and control, laser processing of biological materials

List of invited speakers

  • Alfred Vogel - University of Lübeck (Germany) - keynote in symposium with 45 min
  • Florent Calvo - Université Joseph Fourier (France)
  • Astrid Müller – Caltech (USA)
  • Leonid Zhigilei – Univ. of Virginia (USA)
  • Changhao Liang - Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)
  • David Amans - Institut Lumière Matière (France)
  • Paolo Maria Ossi - Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
  • Guus Rijnders – University of Twente (The Netherlands)
  • M. Cernaianu - Extreme Light Infrastructure, Nuclear Physics (Romania)
  • Guillaume Baffou – Institut Fresnel Marseille (France)
  • V. Venkatesan – University of Singapore (Singapore)

Tentative list of scientific committee members:
V. Amendola – Univ. of Padova (Italy), S. Amoruso - CNR-INFM Napoli (Italy), C.B. Arnold - Princeton University (USA), C. Boulmer-Leborgne - GREMI Université d'Orléans (France), I.W. Boyd – London Brunel University, N.M. Bulgakova - Institute of Thermophysics SB-RAS (Russia), C. Champeaux - Université de Limoges (France), B. Chichkov, Laser Zentrum Hannover (Germany), F. Costache - Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Micro-systems (Germany), V. Craciun - University of Florida (USA), M. Dinescu - National Institute for Laser Plasma and Radiation Physics (Romania), R. Eason - University of Southampton (UK), Q. Feng - Univ. of Science and Technology Beijing (China), E. Fogarassy - ENSPS Strasbourg (France), F. Garelie - Université Jean Monet Saint Etienne (France), D. Geohegan, Oak Ridge (USA), B. Gökce University Duisburg-Essen (Germany), J. Krüger - BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (Germany), J.G. Lunney - Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), E. Millon - Université d'Orléans (France), S. Orlando - CNR-IMIP/PZ (Italy), A. Palla Papavlu – National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics (Romania), N. Pryds - Risoe National Laboratory (Denmark), J. Perriere - INSP Paris (France), M. Pervolaraki - University of Cyprus (Cyprus), J. Schou - Risoe National Laboratory (Denmark), P. Schaaf - Technische Universität Ilmenau (Germany), Ekaterina Barmina- General Physics Institute, Moscow (Russia), R. Serna, J. Solis - CSIC, Instituto de Optica (Spain), M. Stratakis - FORTH-IESL (Greece), K. Zimmer - IOM Leipzig (Germany).


Papers accepted after normal review will be published in Applied Surface Science (Elsevier).

Submission Format and Guidelines:

We will be accepting submissions from Date until Date. Authors must follow Applied Surface Science’s Guide for Authors for formatting requirements ( To submit a paper, the author(s) must select “VSI: EMRS Laser Materials” as the special issue title. The submission website is located at

Each paper will be reviewed by the editor and papers that meet the journal’s requirements will be sent for anonymous peer review. Please note that being invited to submit to a special issue does not guarantee publication.

Deadline for paper submission is: May 27th – September 15th

Symposium organizers
National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics
409 Atomistilor Street, Magurele, 077125, Romania

Phone : +40 214 574 414
Mail :

University of Duisburg-Essen
Technical Chemistry I - Universitaetsstraße 7, 45141 Essen, Germany

Phone : +49 201 183 3150
Mail :

Tatiana ITINA
UMR CNRS 5516 / UJM / University of Lyon
Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Campus Manufacture, 18 rue du Pr. B. Lauras, 42000 Saint-Etienne, France

Phone : +33 477915829
Mail :

Paul Scherrer Institut
OFLB U110, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland

Phone : +41 56 310 4076
Mail :

A brief presentation of the symposium is found on the EMRS website: