Dr. Guilhem Velve Casquillas: Let's forget (for a moment) our wonderful romantic R&D mindset to enter into the world of innovation, CETAL, Wednesday, 8 Octomber 2019, 11:30 am
General Seminar
Tuesday, 8 Octomber 2019, 11:30 am
CETAL, Seminar Room
Title: "Let's forget (for a moment) our wonderful romantic R&D mindset to enter into the world of innovation".
Lecturer: Dr. Guilhem Velve Casquillas, Elvesys Microfluidic Innovation Center, ELVESYS SAS, Paris, France
Abstract: Guilhem Velve Casquillas is CEO of the Elvesys Microfluidic Innovation Center. He is kind of a strange researcher who left public research in 2011 to create a private research lab and about a dozen of innovative companies related to microfluidics. In this short presentation he will share his point of view about how changing research methods can highly increase scientific and economic impact of applied research. Research work is a wonderful activity, let’s try to discover during 20 min, with the same enthusiasm, another way to make it.