Daniel Radu Avram, poster prize winner, BIO section, at SHIFT...
On behalf of the OSA and SPIE Student Chapters, as well as the EPS Young Minds Section of the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (INFLPR), we are pleased to invite you to Balvanyos,...
The LASER IGNITION SUMMER SCHOOL 2017 is organized within HORIZON 2020 - THE FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION 2014-2020. It is the first summer school of...
Workshop 2, the second workshop of the European project LASIG-TWIN (http://www.lasig-twin.eu/; http://ecs.inflpr.ro/...
The Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry invites you to participate at its first conference (CEEC-TAC1) which is to be held in Craiova, Romania from...
Bucharest-Magurele, Lecture Hall of the Central Library, April 21, 2010
International Student Workshop on Laser Applications 2010 (ISWLA10)
25/5/2010 - 28/5/2010
P21 "Physiscs of Droplets" Conference, Bucharest, Palace of Parliament
4/5/2009 - 6/5/2009