University of Lille, France - Prix de these "Recherche Internationale"
On 21st November 2018 the University of Lille, France awarded during the STARTDOC 2018 conference, the Prix de these "Recherche Internationale" to Ștefan Andrei Irimiciuc. The prize was awarded by Jean-Louis Debré, former minster of foreign affairs and president of the Constitutional Court. Through this award, the thesis was recognized as the best PhD thesis within the Science and Technology domain, from the Consortium of Doctoral Schools from North of France.
The PhD. thesis defended by Ștefan Andrei IRIMICIUC, with the title „Experimental and theoretical studies on the dynamics of transient plasma plumes generated by laser ablation in various ablation regimes” was developed in dual coordination between “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (supervisor: prof. Maricel Agop) and University of Lille France (supervisor: prof. Cristian Focșa). The thesis contains an impressive amount of experimental and theoretical data on the properties of transient plasmas generated by laser ablation in various temporal regimes (nanosecond, femtosecond and picosecond). The properties were showcased by implementing in a simultaneous manner of two or more complementary diagnostics techniques. The complex study also revealed for the first time some clear correlations between the properties of the laser produced plasmas and the physical properties of the irradiated targets.
Congratulations for the received distinction!