Discover the applications of electron beam irradiation and its role in creating advanced biocompatible hydrogels. Explore the potential medical applications of multi-component biocompatible hydrogels in our latest article:...
As a continuation of the long-lasting Romanian-French collaboration, the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (INFLPR) is organizing a Romanian- French Workshop with the support of the French Embassy in Romania and l’Agence...
The article entitled "Laser engineered polymer thin films as drug delivery systems" by A. Bonciu, L. Cremer, A. Calugaru, E. Vlase, C. Coman,...
Ne bucurăm să vă prezentăm articolul The 2022 applied physics by pioneering women: a roadmap publicat de curând în Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, printre al cărei co-autoare din România se află colega noastră Bogdana Mitu.
Articolul este...
During the 14th edition of the INTERNATIONAL SALON OF CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION "EUROINVENT 2022" (https://www....
The organizers of the Researchers' Night events from 20 localities in the country, gathered within the ReCoNnect consortium, of which INFLPR is a part, offer you...
On Saturday, May 7, 2022, you are invited to Crangasi Park to enjoy the program prepared for Astofest 2022.
INFLPR, as a partner of the event, is waiting for you with laser, plasma...
Friday, May 27, 2022, you are invited to Oteteleșanu Mansion (Călugăreni Street 5, Măgurele) to an exhibition event where the representatives of the business environment in the...