Dr. Mateusz Smietana: Optical fiber sensors and biosensors, CETAL, Marti, 29 Iunie 2021, ora 14:00
Seminar General
Marti, 29 Iunie 2021, ora 14:00
CETAL, Sala de seminar
Titlu: "Optical fiber sensors and biosensors".
Prezintă: Dr. Mateusz Smietana, Profesor Asociat la Facultatea de Electronica si Tehnologia Informatiei, Varsovia, Polonia.
Abstract: Optical fibers are small, flexible, low-cost and immune to external electromagnetic fields, which are often present during medical examinations e.g., in hospitals. After certain modification the fibers can be used as sensors, where light guided in the fiber interacts with external medium and thus can be used for monitoring optical properties in the vicinity of the sensor surface. The interaction with the external medium can be greatly modified by deposition of thin overlays and nanostructures. In this seminar a special attention will be paid to nanocoated sensors and label-free biosensors based on long-period fiber gratings, various interferometers, and lossy-mode resonance devices. A subjective review of the most promising optical-fiber-based biosensing devices will be shown when they are targeted towards biomolecules of different size, i.e., DNA, proteins, viruses, and bacteria.