Seminar INFLPR, Miercuri, 13.04.2016, ora 10:00, Sectia Laseri, Dr. Mihai Lucian Pascu: “Optical properties of droplets, bubbles, foams and emulsions and their applications in biomedicine”
Seminar stiintific Miercuri, 13.04.2016, ora 10:00, Sectia Laseri, prezinta Dr. Mihai Lucian Pascu: “Optical properties of droplets, bubbles, foams and emulsions and their applications in biomedicine”
Droplets, bubbles, foams and emulsions are one of the main objects for studies in optofluidics. Their optical and spectroscopic properties are of interest both for basic research and for advanced applications in biomedicine, life sciences, food science, unconventional technologies in energy production and raw materials extraction. In this presentation is shown a synthesis of results obtained by Laser Spectroscopy Group within Laser Department of the National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics along the following directions:
1. Laser beams unresonant interaction with droplets in pendent positions in air. Introduction of applications of this kind of interactions is presented.
2. Laser radiation resonant interaction with droplets in pendent positions in air. Applications of this process in photochemistry of medicines and laser/lasing emission in all directions in free space are presented.
3. Detecting small concentrations of compounds generated via medicines interaction with laser beam by surface tension measurements performed on air bubbles produced in solutions.
4. Generation of Aetoxisclerole/Polydocanol foams and their optical measurements in view of applications in varicose veins treatments.
5. Optical properties of emulsions of medicines.