Seminar INFLPR, Miercuri, 24.02.2016, ora 10:00, Sectia Laseri, Dr. Alexandra Palla Papavlu: “Advances in laser writing of low power integrated gas sensors”
Sunteti invitati sa participati la seminarul stiintific de Miercuri, 24.02.2016, ora 10:00 din Sectia Laseri care va cuprinde prezentarea Dnei Alexandra Palla Papavlu, cu titlul: “Advances in laser writing of low power integrated gas sensors”
Laser direct writing (LDW) is a rapidly expanding field in both fundamental science and material technology requiring a multidisciplinary approach and knowledge. This talk deals with a specific aspect of LDW, i.e. laser induced forward transfer (LIFT) with a focus on the morphological, chemical and physical modifications of the different materials and systems transferred. The issues addressed in this talk include fundamentals of LIFT of materials and systems as well as their application in the development of complex, miniaturized electronic devices and components of modern tools for electronics. This talk is also aimed at providing a starting point to discuss recent progress in the area of laser induced material transfer, laser induced flyer generation, motion, and impact onto a substrate.