Prof. David B. Geohegan: "Laser Interactions to Understand the Synthesis and Optoelectronic Functionality of Atomically-Thin Nanostructures at the CNMS", IFIN-HH, Biblioteca Nationala de Fizica, Marti, 6.09.2016, ora 12:00
Seminar INFLPR
Marti, 6 Septembrie 2016, ora 12:00
Biblioteca de Fizica, sala de conferinte
Titlu: "Laser Interactions to Understand the Synthesis and Optoelectronic Functionality of Atomically-Thin Nanostructures at the CNMS"
Prezinta: Prof. David B. Geohegan, Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
Rezumatul este prezentat in documentul pdf atasat.
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NILPR_Seminar_Geohegan.pdf | 80.4 KB |