Prof. Yasuo Arai: Development of Silicon-on-Insulator pixel detector, ELI-NP, Vineri, 7 Iulie 2017, 10:00 - 10:45 am
Seminar General
Vineri, 7 Iulie 2017, 10:00 - 10:45
Sala mare de conferinţe, Clădirea ELI-NP
Titlu: "Development of Silicon-on-Insulator pixel detector"
Prezintă: Prof. Yasuo Arai
Advanced monolithic pixel process and detectors were developed by using a Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) technology.
The SOI technology uses bonded wafer of two silicon substrate sandwiching a thin oxide layer. Bottom silicon of the wafer works as thick fully-depleted sensors and top thin Si-layer contains CMOS readout circuits.
Although there were several difficult issues to realize the SOI detector, we have solved such issues by developing new technologies such as buried well and double SOI wafer/process.
Recently we could achieve 0.7 um position resolution for high-energy charged particle tracking for the first time in the world. As for X-ray spectroscopy, 10 electron noise level is achieved for 6keV X-ray. The process technologies and several examples of SOI detectors are presented.