CANCELLED! Nanomaterials and advanced characterization, Advanced functional films grown by pulsed deposition methods, Symposium J, E-MRS 2020 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 25-29 May 2020

The E-MRS 2020 Spring Meeting at the foreseen dates (May 25-29) is CANCELLED and has to be POSTPONED.

There is a growing interest towards pulsed methods like High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS), Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD), Pulsed Electron Beam Deposition (PED), etc. for thin films and nanostructures synthesis. Indeed, unique properties can be obtained thanks to the specific characteristics of pulsed processes. One of the symposium organizers is Magdalena Nistor from the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (NILPRP).


Advanced functional thin films require specific properties and their performances are tightly related to their composition, structure, surface morphology and interface properties which, in turn, are dictated by the film growth environment. Pulsed deposition methods of thin films offer unique opportunities to achieve higher performance products than with the continuous methods.

The symposium aims at discussing cutting edge research on pulsed techniques such as HiPIMS, PLD, PED as well as pulsed RF/DC magnetron sputtering, arc discharges and other processes for which the pulsed characteristics play a key role in the film growth. The goal is to better understand the relationship between parameters such as the high kinetic energy of film forming species, pulse width and pulse repetition rate, ionization of plasma species, transport phenomena, non- equilibrium growth, etc. and the film properties. Whatever the pulsed deposition process, this symposium aims at discussing the growth of oxides, nitrides, carbides and related thin films which cover a wide range of controllable properties. Specificities of the pulsed methods effects on thin film stoichiometry, structure and surface morphology will be addressed with particular emphasis on low temperature crystallization and epitaxy, metastable phase stabilization, self-assembled nanostructures, nanocomposites, nanosheets on rigid/flexible substrates, etc. The effect of pulsed deposition methods on the films quality and the promotion of novel or substantially improved structural, chemical, optical, electrical, magnetic, mechanical, biocompatible, bioactive, catalytic properties, etc. will be highlighted. Applications in transparent electronics, spintronics, resistive switching, renewable energy, tribology, catalysis, and sensing are meaningful illustrations of the expected results from the research carried out on films grown by pulsed methods.

Hot topics to be covered by the symposium:

  • Advanced functional thin films by pulsed deposition methods with emphasis on the role of process parameters (high kinetic energy of species, pulse width, growth rate, etc.);
  • Focus on the relationship between the thin films structure and physical properties;
  • Oxide, nitride, carbide and related thin films for a wide range of advanced applications;
  • Nanocomposite and metastable phase thin films;
  • Self-assembled nanostructures, growth and novel properties;
  • Low / room temperature epitaxial growth of thin films by pulsed methods;
  • Van der Waals epitaxy on 2D materials and flexible substrates.

List of invited speakers:

  • Amaël Caillard, GREMI, CNRS/University of Orléans, France - Comparison between pulsed growth methods and the correlation with the properties of the thin films
  • Michael Lorentz, University of Leipzig, Germany - Correlation between pulsed laser deposition and properties of the thin films
  • Ulf Helmersson, Linkoping University (Sweden) - Bi-polar HiPMS
  • Tetsuhide Shimizu, Tokyo Metropolitan University (Japan) - Peak-current controlled HiPIMS for the deposition of thin films with tailored properties.
  • 1 or 2 invited talks will be selected from submitted oral contributions, preferentially chosen in order to address the scope of symposium, to bring to the stage younger researchers who make significant contributions to the field of the symposium, and to also promote the participation of the less represented gender.

Scientific committee members:

  • Jacques Perriere, Sorbonne Universities, UPMC Paris 06 & CNRS, Paris, France
  • Manfred Martin, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
  • Eric Millon, GREMI, University of Orléans, France
  • Maryline Guilloux-Viry, University of Rennes 1, France
  • Rosalia Serna, Spanish National Research Council, Madrid, Spain
  • Maria Luisa Grilli, ENEA Casaccia Research Centre, Italy
  • David Babonneau, University of Poitiers-ENSMA, France
  • Peter Kelly, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
  • Damien Thiry, University of Mons, Belgium
  • Daniel Lundin, University Paris Sud, France
  • Anke Weidenkaff, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany.

Symposium organizers
Instituto de Óptica

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Madrid, Spain


Magdalena NISTOR
National Institute for Lasers, Plasmas and Radiation Physics

L22, 409 Atomistilor Street, 77125 Bucharest-Magurele, Romania


Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Centro Materiali e Microsistemi, 18 Via Sommarive, 38123 Trento, Italy


University of Mons

National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS), Mons, Belgium


A brief presentation of the symposium is found on the EMRS website: