Seminar INFLPR, Marţi, 28 Ianuarie 2020, ora 11:00, CETAL, Dr I TISEANU: Analiza cantitativă a caracteristicilor pulberilor metalice și a porozității componentelor realizate prin manufacturare aditivată prin microtomografie de raze X și procesare de imag.
Seminar INFLPR
Marţi, 28 Ianuarie 2020, ora 11:00
CETAL, sala de seminar
Contractul nr. 16N /2019
Proiectul: PN 15 15 01 01, "Cercetări emergente de laseri, plasmă, radiaţii şi aplicaţiile lor în domeniile de specializare inteligentă şi interes public"
Faza nr. 20: "Analiza cantitativă a caracteristicilor pulberilor metalice și a porozității componentelor realizate prin manufacturare aditivată prin microtomografie de raze X și procesare de imagini. Comparație cu analiza 2D a imaginilor metalografice"
Termen: 14.11.2019
Responsabil fază: Dr. Ion TISEANU
Prezintă: Dr. Ion TISEANU
Abstract: In the last year, our X-ray tomography laboratory extended its portfolio by commissioning a new high penetration power X-ray microtomography system. This led to new opportunities in the research domains that were prior difficult to tackle, such as high X-ray attenuating samples from the metallographic industry.
The main objectives of this study consisted in the development of several methodologies aided by the industrial X-ray tomograph and designed to assist the additive manufacturing process. Thus, during this work we addressed high and low attenuating samples at different manufacturing stages.
Metallic powders and bulk samples used in the additive manufacturing with high-power laser were analyzed from qualitative and quantitative point of view. To offer an alternative to the limited classical metrological methods, the X-ray tomography instrument has been used as a method of rapid prototyping by iterative comparisons between the initial CAD model and the 3D model of tomographic reconstruction. This provided the opportunity to assist the restauration of industrial components by laser cladding via X-ray tomography, considering the fact that the CAD model serves as input data for the laser processing.
Advanced image protocols for defectoscopy and metrology processing were performed by implementing different algorithms from the main commercial software packages: VGstudio Max and Avizo. A 3D printer was used for manufacturing of polymer test samples with varying filling grades that were further evaluated by the mentioned algorithms. Also, visual comparisons were made between the virtual sections obtained by 3D reconstructions and the optical images extracted by destructive analysis.