C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, V. Zaroschi, A.M. Lungu, P. Chiru, A. Anghel, C. Porosnicu, I. Jepu, V. Bailescu, G. Burcea, G. Dinuta, F. Din, N. Balan, G. Serban and JET-EFDA Contributors
C.P. Lungu, M. Osiac, A.M.Lungu, C. Porosnicu, I.Jepu, I. Mustata, V. Zaroschi, O. Pompilian, P. Chiru, M. Burada, V. Soare, R. Vladoiu, V. Ionescu, V. Ciupina
Cristian P. Lungu, Alexandru Anghel, Corneliu C. Porosnicu, Ion Mustata, Ana M. Lungu, Petrica Chiru, Valer Zaroschi, Dorin Dudu, Ion Vata, Florin Miculescu, Victor Andrei, Rodica Vladoiu and Victor Ciupina