Caracterizări morfologice, structurale şi compoziţionale

High-Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy - HRSEM
All-round nanometer or sub-nanometer resolution performance on materials ranging from nanoparticles, powders, catalysts and nanodevices to bulk magnetic samples thanks to its innovative final lens design that does not compromise on magnetic sample imaging performance.
• Compound final lens technology to boost resolution performance, providing a resolution of 1.0 nm at 1 kV without additional beam deceleration, while offering unique options for signal filtering.
• The widest range of strategies to deal with insulating samples, including: high vacuum techniques such as the SmartSCAN™ technique, drift compensated frame integration (DCFI) and charge filtering.
• Highly advanced charge mitigation strategies to deal with the most challenging applications, it is available by included low vacuum (up to 500 Pa) to mitigate charge on any sample while providing excellent resolution and large analytical currents with field-proven throughthe-lens differential pumping and dedicated LoVac detectors.
• The chamber includes a complete analytical system EDS/EBSD/WDS, an RGB-Pancromatic Cathodoluminescence module (SEM-CL), and a Kleindiek Prober-Shutle MM-PS4LTXYZ nanoprobing system.

The Agilent 6530 Q-TOF LC/MS is a liquid chromatograph-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer that performs MS/MS using a quadrupole, a hexapole collision cell and a time-of-flight analyzer to produce spectra. The system provides superior data quality and advanced analytical capabilities for profiling, identifying, characterizing, and quantifying low molecular-weight compounds and biomolecules with confidence.
The system can be used in the following application areas:
• Combinatorial chemistry target compound analysis
• Natural products and synthesized compounds screening
• Compound profiling (such as bioavailability and pK)
• Protein/peptide identification and characterization
• Metabolomics
• Biomarker discovery
• Qualitative and quantitative identification of various compounds
• Separation of compounds from mixtures
• Identifying impurities from samples (liquid or solid)
• Studying the stability of samples by identifying and characterising the degradation of compounds in time
• Determine water quality or potential food contamination
• Detection of drugs from body fluids and profiling them
• Stability determination of various compounds
• Drug metabolism
• Pharmacokinetics
• Emission and absorbtion behaviour of various compounds
• Estimation of the toxicity

X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (XPS) Microprobe
Equipped with a micro-focusing X-ray monochromator designed to deliver optimum XPS performance, the ESCALAB XI+ X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (XPS) Microprobe ensures maximum sample throughput. The multi-technique capability and availability of a range of preparation chambers and devices provides the solution to any surface analytical problem. Using the advanced Avantage data system for acquisition and data processing, maximum information is extracted from the data.
- High sensitivity spectroscopy
- Small area XPS
- Depth profiling capability
- Angle resolved XPS.
X-ray Monochromator - Twin-crystal, micro-focusing monochromator has a 500mm Rowland circle and uses an Al anode. Sample X-ray spot size is selectable over a range of 200 to 900μm.
Lens, Analyzer and Detector - Lens/analyzer/detector combination makes the ESCALAB XI+ XPS Spectrometer unique for both imaging and small area XPS. Two types of detectors ensure optimum detection for each type of analysis — two-dimensional detector for imaging and a detector based on channel electron multipliers for spectroscopy when high count rates are to be detected. Lens is equipped with two, computer-controlled iris mechanisms — one allows the user to control the field of view of the lens down to Depth Profiling - Digitally-controlled EX06 ion gun is a high-performance ion source even when using low energy ion. Azimuthal sample rotation is available,
Electron gun can be operated at up to 1000V and provides an excellent source for REELS.
Technique Options:
- XPS with non-monochromatic X-rays
- AES (Auger electron spectroscopy)
- UPS (Ultra-violet photoelectron spectroscopy).